Old School Spaghetti

تفاصيل الإعلانات

Anthony, New Mexico
نشر على
4 الشهور مضت

تفاصيل اضافية

معرف الإعلان
مشاهدات الإعلان


And I weigh my words! Each family has their own recipe for spaghetti sauce, which they keep in the strictest confidence. I took it from my mother, and she took it herself from her sister-in-law who definitely took it somewhere else…Don’t omit any ingredient, it’s this combination that makes it taste so good.


454 grams rotini (elbow or spaghetti can be substituted)

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

2 tablespoons of butter

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 tbsp garlic (minced from the jar)

1 medium green bell pepper

1 medium onion (white or yellow)

227 grams mushrooms, sliced

1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

1/2 teaspoon black pepper

A bowl with a capacity of

1/2 liter containing 3/4 liter containing grated cheese (Mozzarella, Italian Blend or Cheddar)

A cup with a capacity of 60 ml containing sour cream

A bowl with a capacity of

794 grams of red pasta sauce

A bowl with a capacity of1/2 liter containing 3/4 liter containing grated cheese (Mozzarella, Italian Blend or Cheddar)


Using a hand blender or immersion blender, blend 3 ingredients until blended.

Bring water to a boil, add salt and pasta and cook according to instructions.

Use 2 cups butter and grease a 9 x 12 pan.

Dice the green pepper and onion.

Slice the mushrooms.

Heat 2 cups garlic oil and sauté peppers, onions and mushrooms over medium heat for 3-4 minutes.

Drain pasta and set aside.

Add chopped and crumbled sirloin. Add salt and pepper, dividing the beef into small bites. Continue cooking until beef is no longer pink, drain off excess fat.

Add the jar of pasta sauce and reheat.

While the meat sauce cooks, add the softened cream cheese, sour cream and cottage cheese to a medium mixing bowl.

Using hand mixer , blend 3 ingredients until well mixed.

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